Legacy Spaces

Legacy Spaces are safe, welcoming places where conversations and education about Indigenous history and our collective journey toward reconciliation are encouraged and supported. They also serve as symbols and reminders of the important work each of us needs to undertake if the promises of this country and the TRC’s Calls to Action are to be fulfilled. The program is an opportunity for all organizations to play an important role in their communities and #DoSomething to engage reconciliation in a meaningful way.

Check out some examples of the unique Legacy Spaces our partners have created:

Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
Virtual Legacy Space
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Legacy Spaces Partners

About Legacy Spaces

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Legacy Schools Educators

About Legacy Schools

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Walked for Wenjack

Read Chanie's Story

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Artist Ambassadors

Meet DWF’s Artist Ambassadors